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Mathematical Skills | Simple Equations

Q. No. 31:Sneh's age is 1/6th of her father's age. Sneh's father's age will be twice of Vimal's age after 10 years. If Vimal's eighth birthday was celebrated 2 years before, then what is Sneh's present age ?
A :
7 year
B :
8 year
C :
6 year
D :
None of these
Q. No. 32:The ages of Shivali and Tanisha are in the ratio of 11:7 respectively. After 8 years the ratio of their ages will  be 15:11. What is the difference in years between their ages ?
A :
4 year
B :
10 year
C :
6 year
D :
8 year
Q. No. 33:Five years ago, Bina's age was three times that of the Arti. Ten years ago, Bina's age was half that of Chitra. If c represents Chitra's current age, which of the following represent Arti's current age ?
A :
B :
(c/6) + 5
C :
D :
(5c/3) - 10
Q. No. 34:The ratio of ages of a father and son is 17:7 respectively. 6 years ago the ratio of their ages was 3:1 respectively. What is the father's present age ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 35:If 1 added to the age of the elder sister, then the ratio of the ages of two sisters becomes 0.5 : 1, but if 2 is subtracted from the age of the younger one, the ratio becomes 1:3, the age of the younger sister will be ?
A :
7 year
B :
5 year
C :
8 year
D :
10 year
Q. No. 36:On a scale that measures the intensity of a certain phenomenon a reading of n+1 corresponds to an intensity that is 10 times the intensity corresponding to a reading of n. On that scale the intensity corresponding to a reading of 8 is how many times as great as the intensity corresponding to a reading of 3 ?
A :
B :
810 - 310 
C :
D :
Simple Equations