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English Language | Phrase- Sentence Improvement

Q. No. 1:Although absolute justice being unattainable, that much justice as we need for all practical use is attainable by all those who make it their aim.
A :
being unattainable, that much justice as we need for all practical use is attainable.
B :
be unattainable, as much justice as we need for all practical use is attainable.
C :
being unattainable, as much justice as we need for all practical use is attainable.
D :
be unattainable, as much justice we need for all practical use is attainable.
Q. No. 2:The English masters possessed the power in regulating their own trade, and for giving liberty to every slave in their dominions; and yet they were entirely unmindful of their duty on this subject.
A :
of regulating their own trade, and in giving liberty to every slave in their dominions; and yet they were
B :
to regulate their own trade, and of giving liberty to every slave in their dominions; and yet they were
C :
of regulating their own trade, and of giving liberty to every she in their dominions; and yet they were
D :
of regulating their won trade, and of giving liberty to every slave in their dominions; and they were yet
Q. No. 3:This, no doubt, will be a proper place to give some to my antecedents, as well as a few of the details of the crime for which I was sent to the penitentiary.
A :
This, no doubt will be the proper place to give some of my antecedents, as well as a few of the details of the
B :
This, no doubt, will be the proper place to give some of my antecedents, as well as a few of the details of the
C :
This, no doubt, will be the proper place to give some to my antecedents, as well as a few of the details of the
D :
This no doubt, will be the proper place to give some of my antecedents, as well as a few of the details of a
Q. No. 4:The native whites are generally indisposed to be confessing that the negroes are quitting the country on account of political injustice and persecution.
A :
to confess that the negroes are quitting the country on account of political injustice and persecution.
B :
to confessing that the negroes are quitting the country on account of political injustice and persecution.
C :
to confess that the neogroes are quitting the country on account of political injustice and being persecuted.
D :
in confessing that the negroes are quitting the country on account of political injustice and being persecuted.
Q. No. 5:Many companies made profits in the initial years of their inception, but the then management instead of injecting the surplus as capital investment into the units by fusing new technology and acquiring modern machineries, draining out the money for other purpose.
A :
as capital investments into the units by infusing new technology and acquiring modern machineries, drained out the money for other purposes.
B :
as capitive investing into the units by infusing new technology and acquiring model machineries, drained out the money for other purposes.
C :
as capital investments into the units by infusing new technology and acquiring modern machineries, draining out the monies for other purposes.
D :
as capitalization investments into the units by infusing new techniques and acquiring modern machineries, drained out the money for other purposes.
Q. No. 6:Working in close harmony is not just for the birds and other songsters. Handling relationships well is a vital work skill since it was critical to the succession of strategic alliances and we were increasingly likely to have been asked to participate in such a ventures.
A :
it is critical to the success of strategic alliances and we were increasingly likely to be asked to participate in such ventures.
B :
it is critical to the success of strategic alliances and we are increasingly likely to be asked to participate in such ventures.
C :
it wasn't critical to the success of strategic alliances and we are increasingly likely to be asked to participate in such ventures.
D :
it is critical to the success of strategic alliances and we were excessively likely to be asked to participate in such ventures.
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Phrase- Sentence Improvement