Company Facts for ATRENTA

Founder: Ajoy bose
CEO: Ajoy Bose

Placement Procedure: Edit

  • Three sections in the paper - All 3 are to be done (10 or 15 ques in each) - but 2 of these are weighted more.
  • If your branch is cse - 1st and 3rd sections = double weightage and 2nd = normal
  • If you are in ECE- 2nd and 3rd section = double and 1st = normal
  • First - CSE based stuff - programming, error detection, output, algo - general stuff - nothing deep
  • Second - ECE based stuff -OP-AMPS and transistors (usually coe guys hate this stuff)
  • Third - analytics - CAT based maths - Reasoning, puzzles and math problem solving. Atrenta gives very high weightage internally to this 3rd section.They are looking for minds with reasoning and analytical approach to problem solving - so if u crack the 3rd section completely (which is quite easy to do from a normal guys point of view with 75%), and score well in the respective category (as in either CSE or ECE), u have a high chance of getting through.
  • TECHNICAL and HR both in the same panel
  • Basically programming type questions are asked and from your core subjects  which u have written.

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Bring this company to your campus (3 easy steps)
Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

5.50 LPA

Onsite Opportunity:

Good, Usually depends on the team, project requirements


C/C++, Perl/Perl-TK, Python, Linux-QT and others Hardware related languages like VHDL, VeriLog.


Among the Best

Switching Option:

Various other EDA companies like Cadence, Mentor Graphics and other semi-conductor firms.

Working Hours:



Over 320 worldwide 200+at Noida, 6-10 at Banglore.


T-Software/Software Services....
Tool training, Download software...

