Company Facts for DESHAW

Founder: David E. Shaw
CEO: David E. Shaw

Placement Procedure: Edit

  • Total time :- 70 minutes.
  • The written test has 4 sections. Each section is as follows:
    • 1st section is general aptitude....20 ques, 20 min
    • 2nd section is technical aptitude. 20 ques in 20 min
    • 3rd section has a programming question ...20 ques in 20 min
    • 4th section is essay writing....10 min
NOTE: Each objective section has negative marking(25%).
INTERVIEW:-Both Technical and HR separately
  • In technical:-e.g. The basic diff between unix and windows. How windows improved versions are better than the previous ones.What actually happens when u program for an index,and a few queries, questions on programming languages.
  • HR:- Simple HR round they are very friendly and check your communication and IQ level.

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Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):



1 month notice

Fresher Package:

10 LPA(CTC), 9 LPA in-hand

Onsite Opportunity:



Perl, Java, C#


25 to 32%

Switching Option:

Goldman Sachs, Two Sigma, Merrill Lynch, Deutche bank...

Working Hours:





quantitative investment strategies, particularly statistical arbitrage


San Fransico, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Houston, Kansas City, NewYork, Washington, Bermuda, London, Mumbai, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, HongKong