Company Facts for EDS (MPHASIS)

CEO: Ganesh Ayya

Placement Procedure: Edit

  • 60 question in 1 hour
  • The paper consists of four sections:-
    • Comprehension reading (2 passages,10 qns-10M)\
    • Logical reasoning (15Q-15M)
    • Numerical Ability(15Q-15M)
    • Technical question fr0m C&Ds, C++, Java, OS, DBMS(20Q-20M).
INTERVIEW:-Technical and HR
  • In Technical:- C, Java, C++ only simple basics and some questions from different subjects
  • HR:- Once you entered the HR panel u are almost 99% selected. They ask  about yourself and about company profile.

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Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):



Yes , 2 Yr-1 Lac

Fresher Package:

2.5 LPA CTC +50k on 1yr completion(2008 Batch)

Onsite Opportunity:

As Good As it can be


Mainframes, Java


As Per Service Industry Standards

Switching Option:

IBM, HP, Verizon, Symentec, Amdocs, BMC , Unisys, EMC, CA etc.

Working Hours:

Flexi (Usually depend on the project and clients requirements)


28,000 in India, 2,48,000+ Worldwide


Data centre services, work place services, managed security services, command centre services


Noida, Chennai, Pune, Bangalore, Mangalore