Company Facts for ORACLE

Founder: Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, Ed Oates
CEO: Larry Ellison

Placement Procedure: Edit

  • Aptitude:-(20 question in 20 minutes)
  • Technical 2 parts are there.
A.  operaring systems,DBMS,SQL qureis,c,computer organizations,algorithms.   (30min)B. Data structures with 15 questions of 40 min time. it is very tough the questions are in java fully. advanced data structures.INTERVIEW:- Technical(2) and HR
  • Technical(1):-DBMS, Puzzles(some puzzles and some design level question like how you will design system for server and which will have many clients, all clients will keep of adding some words to system and server has to detect which words to accept, at the same time server will also keep on adding which data structure you will use so that system will be efficient and fast.)
  • Technical(2):- puzzles and programs, three or four puzzles and around 5-6 programs...e.g:-1.write a program for sudoko puzzles?2.write program to find reverse number? 3.separate string and it's length. i.e input string contains string and it's length at end. string may have digits and Alphabets.. 

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Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

8 Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:



Java/J2EE,Siebel,C/C++,Unix/Linux, Oracle, DB Programming (PL SQL),Shell Scripting, Perl


Good Enough

Switching Option:

SAP,IBM and other database related firms

Working Hours:





Advanced Customer Services,Co nsulting, Financing, On Demand, Support, Oracle University


Bangalore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata