CpjJwWHV's Interview
803 unique views

Company: BG GROUP
Package: 10.93 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Quantitative : 19 Minutes 21 Questions
Verbal English : 17 Minutes 23 Questions

GPA criteria


Technical Interview

Started with a few questions on my background, like where I am from, why did the choose petroleum engineering etc. Then asked various technical questions.

HR Interview

The HR questions were aimed at checking leadership skills, ability to innovate, ability to achieve goals etc


BG Group conducts a unique set of group activities, which they call Behavioral Assessment Center. The different activities include building things like paper towers etc., a managerial exercise, a group discussion and a HR interview.


1)Be confident, have a smiling face.
2)Give clear, to the point answers.

1) Try to be something which you are not, esp in HR interviews.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

75 students applied and only one selected.
What worked for me:
I was very confident while facing the interview. In the Behavioral Assessment, I was outspoken and pro-active in all the group activities. In the HR interview, only extra-curricular activities helped.

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