CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Balmer Lawrie & Co.Ltd
Package: 6.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Written test was general engineering and aptitude. The question paper was comparatively easy and the cutoff marks was 20 in the general category and 15 in SC/ST. The questions were general mostly from fluid mechanics, chemistry, classical mechanics etc.

Technical Interview

In the PI round I was asked all sort of technical questions. They didnot ask me about my training or project and went on to ask what were my favorite subjects were. Then they started asking me about pollution control equipments, Plant design of a sulphuric acid plant, Mass transfer operations, Heat transfer operations etc etc . No HR interview was there but they tried to convince me not to join :P by saying that you have to travel a lot etc etc.

HR Interview

In the PI round I was asked all sort of technical questions. They didnot ask me about my training or project and went on to ask what were my favorite subjects were. Then they started asking me about pollution control equipments, Plant design of a sulphuric acid plant, Mass transfer operations, Heat transfer operations etc etc . No HR interview was there but they tried to convince me not to join :P by saying that you have to travel a lot etc etc.


Be Confident, Be prepared for a good technical round

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It had a dream status and 16 students from chemical engineering sat for the written test. My rank was 3rd in terms of CGPA. 6 were selected for the PI round. Out of which I was selected and one guy is in the wait list.

I can say confidence and luck worked. Project work played a little role but they were satisfied as I was selected for the IAS fellowships. Again CGPA and past academic performance played a very great role in the selection.

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