CpjJwWHV's Interview
833 unique views

Company: Jindal Steel
Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Was based on mainly core departmental question.

Technical Interview

Which are your fav subjects?
Sir Iron Ore Benificiation and Coal Preparation ( took risk ;-) )

Have you done training in Coal Plants?

No sir ! I itdid in NMDC Baildila Chattisgarh Iron Ore Mine, but i am doing project on coal preparation.

Ok. tell me about your final year project on coal ? ( my luckiest question ;-) )
sir my project is "instrumentation and process control in coal prep. plants.................................. ................................
........................................ ........................................ .........
........................................ ...................................\"
nonstop 3 minutes..............

Where do we need exact process control in washery or what do we need to control?
sir feed rate

No,..think again be More specific? (This guy is tough one)

Sir In cyclone where Clean coal gets separated at 1.3 specific gravity -17 % ash , Middling 1.4-1.5 -20-25% ash and reject 1.6-1.7 above 35 % ash.

How do a cyclone works?
Sir drag force and centrifugal force are opposite forces. Fines report to the overflow which is clean coal and coarser particles
to underflow.

Coarser particles or ...??

sir Higher Specific gravity particles not coarser particles.( Phew!!! saved at last moment)

Call the next candidate you can go now....
ok sir ,,Thank you sir.

HR Interview

What is your aim in life ? What is your career plan?

Sir I want to gain expertise in the industrial sector of mining and mineral processing.I am always eager to learn new things and i want to learn about technologies apart from my branch...blah bhlah,,

So that means you are ready to work in any unit of Jindal group which has application of your technical skills.

definitely sir..I am ready to work in..............blah blah

Where do you see yourself from 10 years.

After having worked for 10 years I visualize myself at a managerial post .... utilizing my experinces gained to face the daily challanges ...i will guide new GT's joining in Jindal and will
lead them to bring out the best of talents...


No of unsucessful attempt are 4.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

16 people appeared from the branch and 8 got selected.

Good Project work was main reason for my selection.

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