CpjJwWHV's Interview
1420 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.16 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

hii friends,
This is with regard to an Aptitude test that took place with TCS on our on campus drive on 20th and 21st of JAN.initial process was written test consists of 35 questions to be solved in 60min.the cut off was round about 31marks.1marks was awarded for each correct answer and 1/3 marks was deducted for wrong answer. The question was more of a puzzle and quantitative. please note NO verbal. suggestion:marks those answer of which you are sure about. even students got rejected if the marks were decremented by 1/3 of the cut off.

GPA criteria

If you have an absolute grading in your university then you must get 6.00 as CGPA i.e 60% in B.Tech. If you have a relative grading then you must have secured 6.75 as CGPA which is equivalent to 60%.

Technical Interview

The technical round was the most nerve wrecking round. please be thorough with the subject that you have mentioned in your CV. I am from CSE dept. I was asked question from C and JAVA. They asked me my favourite subject which was ADA and DS. I was asked to write an quick sort algorithm as well as derive its time complexity. i wrote it.then i was asked on Knapsack problem.I could not give the answer though i knew it too.May be because i was nervous. I was asked to write a programme in C to reverse the string. I wrote correctly.Please be thorough with JAVA and basic Concepts of OOP.You must be good enough to describe your Vocational Training as well as Final year project.projects are very much important.they asked me to describe my Final year project.

HR Interview

As any interviewer would ask you to tell them sth about urself. I mentioned i like solving puzzle during my leisure time. so he gave me one puzzle to solve. I did it correctly. then 2nd puzzle came. i wasnt quite confident abt 2nd one. could not solve it. Short term and long term goals. why TCS. At last do u have any question. I asked. finally my confidence and fluency matters that got me through it. be confident about wat u speak. Listen and speak carefully. Make ur appearance smart and body language should be good.


improve ur communication skills. be confident and make urself very clear to u and ur interviewer.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

285 appplied from my college out which only 52 got selected. My confidence and fluency in english is what mattered much. U must try to answer at least 75% of the questions asked. My project work as well as Luck also helped me out.
Best of Luck

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