CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Bharat petroleum corporation ltd
Package: 10.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Group Discussion

This is the major elimination round. Rejection rate is 80%, in my batch of 12 people only 3 succeeded. regarding GD topics, 5 people will be watching you, topics are current general. We were given "finance Budget of current fiscal year" , other batch was given "jan lokpal bill", and "old NITs vs new IITs".
Give ur GD in a sophisticated manner, dont try to interrupt it can be fatal for u . Initiate the GD and give regular contribution, play like a team, its not an extempore. In my group 3 ppl including me makes for the interview.

GPA criteria

above 60 %

Technical Interview

There will be only one interview, taken by 4 of them members of GM cadre. the interview is technical + HR mix. In technical they start from ur project report and then get deeper into it. then they try to know ur attitude towards chemical plant or refinery, I did my training in IFFCO (2nd year) and SAIL(3rd year) , so ask me which one is good steel plant or the chemical plant. Q2: What you can do at a petrol pump from engineer point of view. Q3: how will you measure density, velocity of flowing petrol. (I am from INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGG.), They are foccused on your extra curricular activities more than ur academics.


for more information mail me @


No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

BPCL visited NIT jalandhar campus on 29th march

ICE and CSE were eligible


Appeared : 38
After GD : 09
After interview : 03 (including me :) :) :) : ):D :D )


Appeared : 35
After GD : 10
After interview : 04

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