CpjJwWHV's Interview
1470 unique views

Company: CTS
Package: 3.05 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Merit Trac actually conducted the written test on behalf of CTS. It had two parts:
Reasoning / Analytical : -- 35qstn -- 35mins
Verbal English : -- 25qstns -- 20mins

GPA criteria

60%in BE, and previous exams(class XII and class X)
5% relaxation in any one previous exams, not in current course

Technical Interview

I was the last one in my panel, there were 16-18 panel altogether.
He asked my cv, had a look on it, asked my favorite subject. I said language, specially C.
He asked very basic questions like
1. what are the storage classes in C
2. when they are used
3. what is pre-processor
4. what is its functionality
5. difference between <> and "" while #include-ing a file
then he asked me to write 3 basic programs, like swapping using pointer (why we need pointer) recursion program and that all
In total it was a nice 15mins experience, my interviewer seemed satisfied with my answers, then he said, I can ask if I've anything to..I asked abt HR interview, he said that's it...no other process.


DO Not Panic and DO Not remain silent in the interview..at least tell them u dnt knw it, but can learn it easily.
First and foremost thing that u need to understand is that, to them u know nothing..almost nothing. So, they will recruit u on the basis of ur +ve attitude..make them realize that even if u do not know a thing, it wont be difficult for u to learn it and make use of it. Be confident(not over confident), be specific with ur ideas and clear with ur conceptions. Present urslf the best way u can!!

CpjJwWHV   :). Well said
Friday, November 25, 2011, 12:27 am
  Nice interview
Monday, July 15, 2013, 8:01 am

Add Smiley

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

CTS and IBM came with shared first slot..CTS began the procedure. they selected 96 from our university, about 150/160 appeared in it.
Mostly they looked for genuine skill, and chose Computer Science and IT guys. Their aptitude test was bit tricky, lengthy paragraphs in verbal, so you need to prepare for that or go by with your instinct ;-) [there was no -ve marking]. Prepare at-least 2 subjects properly, so that he can't fool you there and see u in CTS :-)

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