CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Godrej & boyce
Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The test was a mixture of quantitative, reasoning/analytical and verbal. It lasted for 1 hr. The questions can be
prepared by using Barron's GRE, Magical Book of mathematics, RS Agarwal Reasoning books. The essay topic was
"should pakistani players be allowed to play in the IPL". The test here is of speed. Don't take too much of pressure
and don't get stuck on a particular question. Nothing was too tough and a serious preparation will be good enough
if done over 3 weeks.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task :
Time Given : 15 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
There were two rounds of GD. GD is important for making a good impression. Remember that the impression made
in this round will help later. The first topic was "people living in glass houses should not throw stones at others". I
initiated the GD and many people after me repeated my points. There is always a benefit in starting first if the topic
is as abstract as this because people unwittingly repeat your points which makes you and your points even
stronger. The second topic was "how real are the reality shows today". I spoke third this time as I wanted to give
others a chance. If you have started one GD then don't try to start the second one too. This firstly makes a bad
impression of yours in front of all the other candidates and they may speak against your point which may hurt you.
And second this creates an impression of a team player for you in front of the interviewers as they too are smart
people and understand everything. And one very important thing please do not beat around the bush, do not argue
and do not repeat other people's points.Also please try to say something related to the topic at least once.....do not
stay mum.

Technical Interview

Contrary to the general perception the technical was not that easy at all. They started by asking me what was my
favorite subject which i said was C++. So they asked me about general OOPS definition and concepts, difference
between C and C++. Then they asked me syntax of control structures like loops and switch. Next they asked me to
tell the logic to convert a string like "Ram is great" into "great is Ram". Also they asked me to write the code to
swap two strings. Then they asked me some pretty tough puzzles. One of those I remember is how will you
measure the height of a tall pole using only a scale and a stick and nothing else during daytime without climbing it.
This can be easily done using the principle of similar triangles and measuring the shadow of the scale and that of
the pole. It lasted for around one hour.

HR Interview

In the HR round they started by asking me to say something exciting which i had done in my life. They asked me
about my family in detail. They asked me why accenture. It lasted for around 45 minutes.


Overall the environment was cordial and the HR and technical person were very calm and nice. The written test took
place two weeks before the rest so I got the time to prepare for technical interview. But this also gave time to
ponder a lot and develop a lot of nerves.


They stopped the first GD midway because everyone was repeating my points or talking out of context. So try to at
least say it differently when you pick others points. The impression made in GD round helps later. So take it
seriously and prepare for it. Go through recent and current topics. If you have started one GD then don't try to start
the second one too.
Be ready for surprises. I read in last years experiences that the technical is very easy and they ask definitions only
but they asked me to write code too. Be prepared for a higher level than you actually expect. Its better to be safe
than sorry.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

communication skill and good project work worked in favour me..

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