CpjJwWHV's Interview
1276 unique views

Company: Coal India Limited(CIL)
Package: 5.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

topic of discussion was effect of global economic depression on India..

GPA criteria

for the selection procedure the primary concern was gpa factor..

Technical Interview

technical questions were asked mostly from training where i take and further core questions asked related to equipments used in the mine.and some of the questions were to confuse and to check person has any idea about that or not and how confident he is.

HR Interview

HR questions were simple genuinely asked in PSU'S.


should acquire a definite taste for something to which they can represent as habit and if you are an engineer be technically sound as per your field.and left else to selectors.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

selection process begin from group discussion and selected one proceeded to another round,personal interview.42 candidates applied and 26 got selected..
good training work and confidence.and a bit of luck at least everybody requires.

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