CpjJwWHV's Interview
1023 unique views

Package: 7.6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

1 of the papers was completely on mechanical engineering technical aptitude. the questions were basics of the respective
subjects. almost all the subjects covered. 2 nd paper was on 11 and 12th physics. 3rd paper was general aptitude, toughest
in terms of time management. the paper was similar to many previous papers available on net on different student's sites.

Technical Interview

questions about project and internship were majorly asked. a few questions in engineering mathematics(very basics) were
also asked.

HR Interview

personal interview was only my self details, positives and 1 or 2 questions like why mechanical and why core job.


basics more important,

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

major part of the selection was clearing the aptitude. that too the general mathematics and logical aptitude. i could answer
only half of that paper's questions. the other papers were easy. interview was for half an hour where they tested my
concepts and my confidence and my interest in core job.

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