CpjJwWHV's Interview
2230 unique views

Company: Microsoft
Package: 10.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Except technical everything in written test is simple.... The standard of technical questions are really challenging. the
subjects on which technical questions asked are...C, C++, Data structures, Operating systems, Database and management
systems, Compilers etc.... Some questions seems to be complex, but there will be a small logic in it....if that small thing is
known...then it will take 1 min to answer....so no need to worry if the question at first seems to be complex and big.

Technical Interview

There are 3 technical rounds for MSIDC. In first round mostly the discussion will be on projects the student had
done....and some questions on binary trees, database...etc... The questions are based on the projects a student had done...
Second round is full of coding. Coding is on Data structures, and c,c++ programming.... 1)first question is on linked list...a
list of 12 characters will be given...like A B C D E F G H I J K L....now for every 4 nodes... a node should be rotated
left....it means the o/p should be D A B C H E F G L I J K....this can be done by using loops.... 2)next question is given an
array of integers...like 10 12 16 17 24 27 8 6 5 4 2....first from 10 to 27 it is in increasing order... .and then decreasing order
starts....so he asked me to find the position from where decreasing starts....it should be done in O(logn).... Third round is
again a technical round..... the interviewer showed me a question in his laptop and asked me to code it.... the question is
given a string with repeated characters...he asked me to find a string which is without the repeating characters....next he
included characters like *,(,+...etc in the string and asked to do again.... he asked a question on binary trees....how do u
prove height of a binary tree is O(logn)...its not algorithm we should write.. .it is just a normal computing.... and asked a
permutation and combination questin.....thats all.


I like to tell students, to work hard to achieve ur goals. The preperation time before campus placements are very crucial.... I
advise students not to do any internships in normal companies. Internship is only for PPO....so internships in
microsoft,yahoo,google,deshaw,goldman sachs etc are good....because they will provide PPO's. Students should be very
good at coding. There is no way a student can get into microsoft IDC,if he/she is not good at coding. I want to say again,
that anyone can get into a company like microsoft if he/she believes in themselves and work really hard before the campus
placements period.My cgpa is 7.46 and i got into microsoft IDC.....so cgpa doesnt matter much.... My ALL THE BEST to
all the students appearing for placements. Raja krishna M 5757 Btech cse.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

I am very well planned before interview while preparing for placements and executed that successfully.I am good in
technical.Aptitude wise written test is easy...but technical questions in written are very challenging.I had done 3 projects in
summer on my own....so that helped me a lot in interview....

CpjJwWHV   sir.can u plz giv me some details of wat u did in ur project???
Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 7:28 pm
CpjJwWHV   hello sir...can you tell me how to attend those interviews??
Monday, February 27, 2012, 2:02 pm

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