CpjJwWHV's Interview
1345 unique views

Company: IOCL
Package: 7.98 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Shortlisted candidates were to take an interview only (only for IOCL).
8 were shortlisted from civil based on CGPI upto 6 th sem
2 were selected. i was 2nd among the shortlisted candidates

Technical Interview

As mentioned above 8 were shortlisted from civil based on CGPI upto 6 th sem. No GD, only personel interview.

HR Interview

According to me, apart from semester CGPI, 10 and +2 marks are very important. And consistency in the SGPI and CGPI is mandatory (preferably in increasing trend)

Luck do contribute a part, but your attitude and the way of handling things is very important. And SINCERITY is the pre requisite before any interview.


1. A good performance in your academic career

2. Positive frame of mind

3. Ability to handle tricky questions

4. And most importantly SINCERITY is the pre requisite before any interview. Dnt try to give make up answers if not sure, just accept that is an etiquette way ....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

according to me, apart from semester CGPI, 10 and +2 marks are very important. And consistency in the SGPI and CGPI is mandatory (preferably in increasing trend)

Luck do contribute a part, but your attitude and the way of handling things is very important. And SINCERITY is the pre requisite before any interview.

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