CpjJwWHV's Interview
797 unique views

Company: mahindra & mahindra
Package: 4.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

online written test--> G.D. --> Interview.
150 applied..6 got selected..3 from electrical and 3 from mechanical.
in mechanical 65 applied and my rank was 64 in deptt.

Technical Interview

1) combustion chamber
2) multi stroke engines>4
3) wankel engine details
4) piston material
5) piston rings and their function
6) about working of gensets
7) Otto cycle
8) Fuel injectionTechnical
1) combustion chamber
2) multi stroke engines>4
3) wankel engine details
4) piston material
5) piston rings and their function
6) about working of gensets
7) Otto cycle
8) Fuel injection


online written test--> G.D. --> Interview...


just be honest in ur approach and never let them ask what u dnt know...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

150 applied..6 got selected..3 from electrical and 3 from mechanical.
in mechanical 65 applied and my rank was 64 in deptt.
U must be well prepared with all your training and projects.
confidence and honesty was the key.
they even asked if i copied any answers in the written test..and admired when i admitted.
tell them that you are not looking for business,MBA,GRE or any other thing that makes them as stepping stone for your career.
Language is the key..it always pays to have good communication skills.

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