CpjJwWHV's Interview
1141 unique views

Company: IOCL
Package: 7.6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

Technical questions regarding geotechnical engineering,from construction technology and from foundation engineering.

HR Interview

HR questions comprised of my ideas regarding the company, why i took civil department, why i want to join this company.


Firstly there was presentation by the company and then interview of the top 5 students of the department. The interview consisted of both technical and HR..


You should be confident of what you are saying to the interviewers. Go slow and make the interviewers understand what you want to say to them. Do not get puzzled in front of them.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Firstly there was presentation by the company and then interview of the top 5 students of the department. The interview consisted of both technical and HR.

3 students got selected out of 8.My rank was 5 among the applicants.
Luck was an important factor worked in favour of me.....And my confidence in the interview was very high also my good percentage in the academic field helped me.

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